Wednesday, February 17, 2010

17 February 2010

I can't sleep last night. I had a headache, my tonsils hurt, and my lungs are hurts too. What a nightmare.. I just, want to say that I'm sorry if I behave like a child. If my mood turning upside down. It's just there's so many things that I have to do, and when you ignore me.. I can't take it. I know this is my fault that I'm not saying it to you.. But like what I've said before for many times, I'm not the one who can talk about what I'm feeling. Sometimes I prefer to keep it just for myself. I know for somebody it's not good, but I guess this is the best way for me. Do you know why I don't want to answer when you called last night? I choose cry than angry, I choose silent than loud. Can you take it? I love you, you know? I really do..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


it's just 7 am in the morning but I'm in a hugeeeeee anger! Heh tolong ya, kalo lo mau ngomongin orang, lo pikirin dulu kata-kata lo. Lo pahamin, baru lo sebutin. Jangan pernah lo ngomong kata-kata yg ga lo ngerti artinya, karena lo bakal keliatan goblok banget kaya sekarang. Gede bacot doang lo tau ga? Lo tuh orang paling goblok, paling hina yang pernah gue temuin. Gue bingung ya di dalem kepala lo tuh ada apa sih? Ga ada otak yang pasti, kalaupun ada itu kecil banget ga bisa dipake buat mikir. Jujur ya gue males banget berurusan sama lo, mainan lo tuh kaya anak kampung. Dan lo pikir lo tuh segala-galanya? Lo itu ga lebih dari sekedar sampah!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friend or... Frenemy?

How can we see the different between a real friend, and a real enemy? Friends don't talk at each other's back, friends don't make each other's life miserable, friends accept who we really are. It's not easy to have a real best friend. It's not easy to see who is our friends really are. They often wear a mask to hide their real face. So we can't see if they really nice, or it's just a fake. Too bad, at this time maybe acting is a little thing and everybody can do it. There's a possible someone who look really nice outside, but have a really bad deeds inside. And that is what I called a frenemy. Like many people said, keep your friend close but your enemy closer. And we have no idea if we have an enemy or not, maybe there's someone who really hate us, or maybe more than one. All of us have a different personality and that's one of the reason of this 'hating' problem. Sucks huh? I'd rather be alone than to be with someone who pretend to be my friends when the truth is they are my enemy


Have you ever feel weird about yourself? because i have no idea what is got into me. in this last weeks i feel like i want to cry but i don't know why, it's like something block up my heart and my throat and it came out as tears.. it feels hurt inside. maybe now i know the reason why.. when i cry, it's not because of someone else or anything.. but because of myself. i just realized how much i hate myself and dislike myself. it's like i have every bad deeds. sometimes i just feel tired of myself, why can't i be a good person? why do i always have to dissapointed someone else? what is wrong with me? i really don't know the answer. it just really hurt myself and that's why i always cry lately...

Love Letter

Dearest Arya Prasetya

After a long time I feel my life have been destroyed. I finally found someone. Who bring back the colous into my life. Someone who always cheer me up. Someone who I never expected to be my man. But what can I say? Life is full of surprise. And one thing that I sure about, I know God have a plan for me. And of course what He’s going to give me, is really the best of all. Now finally I feel it. I’m not lying, but since that ‘someone’ walk into my life, I feel so happy after so much suffering. I don’t care about what other people say. Cause I only care about what I feel to you. Many people said that he’s childish, but I don’t see it at all. Until now, I only see a mature person in him. I love him so much till words can’t even describe how much it is. Maybe other people say it’s only words, but not for me, it’s so true. And you can keep my words. Now who’s the one that I’m talking about? Who’s that ‘someone’? who’s he? Of course it’s you dear. No one else can make me feel this way for a long time. 1 sentence, 3 words, and 8 letters it’s all I can say, I LOVE YOU

Kathy Wulandari

Tuesday, 25 August 09
06.16 pm

A Brand New Day

Hey all. i just deleted my blog before and decided to make a new one. maybe with a brand new stories ;) and i really hope that everybody enjoy reading my blog. although maybe there's no one -________-